
Initializing Vizzly Services

1. Install the package

npm install @vizzly/services

2. Load in your configuration

If you used npm or yarn to install the services package, you can import Vizzly from the service package;

import { Vizzly } from "@vizzly/services;

Or if you have used the CDN, you will have Vizzly globally available on the browser window object.

Once the services package is available in your codebase, we need to configure it depending on the strategy used to implement Vizzly.

Vizzly.load('<< Your Query Engine Endpoint >>');
// or if you have custom headers to add to all requests sent to the query engine;
  endpoint: '<< Your Query Engine Endpoint >>',
  customHeaders: () => ({
    some: 'custom-header'

Calling Vizzly.load can be done at the top-most level in your codebase, so it runs when the page first loads. For example;

// Load the Vizzly package here, at the same level as functions are defined.
Vizzly.load(/* ... */);
function App () {
  return <p>This is a very basic react app example.</p>
export default App;


After setting up Vizzly services, you can begin managing your user's dashboards or programatically generating a parent dashboard.